When Evil Is a Pretty Face: Narcissistic Females & The Pathological Relationship Agenda When Evil Is a Pretty Face: Narcissistic Females & The Pathological Relationship Agenda

When Evil Is a Pretty Face: Narcissistic Females & The Pathological Relationship Agenda

    • 16,99 лв.
    • 16,99 лв.

Publisher Description

Finally...a book written specifically for men who have endured the verbal (and often physical) abuse of female narcissistic partners. From the author of When Love Is a Lie, When Evil Is a Pretty Face provides a non-clinical narrative about the female narcissist that validates the experience of male victims worldwide. Unlike the male narcissist (who has to be substantially more covert in carrying out his agenda),the female narcissist knows that society sympathizes with her - and against you - and she will use this fact to work the system.

Are the behaviors of your girlfriend or wife always cause for suspicion?
Does she appear to create chaos just to make you feel crazy and insecure?
Does it seem that she lies about everything (even the small stuff)?
Will she accuse you of cheating to distract from her own suspicious behaviors?
Does she blame you for everything and take accountability for nothing?
Are you subjected to silent treatments and other controlling "punishments"?
Does she use "the power of the pussy" to manipulate and control the relationship?
Are you becoming obsessed with figuring it all out?

"Lacking a moral compass, a female narcissist will stay in multiple relationships, diligently working to keep partners unsure or unaware of the existence of the others, for as long as she can and even after her crime has been discovered. The fact that she causes pain to others is the fuel to her fire. Narcissists live their lives via the proxy of their partner's suffering and via the "rules and requirements"of the narcissist's relationship agenda." - Zari Ballard, When Evil Is a Pretty Face

This book will explain why the female narcissists does what she does, says what she says, and how her twisted mind thinks relative to her pathological agenda. The truth is that the female narcissist has her male counterparts beat hands down in the evil department and because she's a female, she is allowed to live her life in a way that is above reproach. But there is one thing that all narcissists have in common and that is that they can never be fixed -not with love, therapy, or with any magic pill.

Going "No Contact" is the only way to escape the relationship with your sanity intact and Zari Ballard has written a book that will show you the way.

Health & Well-Being
18 January
Zari Ballard
Draft2Digital, LLC
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