The Dog
Publisher Description
This book is written about the different type of the dog Varieties breed early history and good quality of dog and gives a dog disease like as rabies, Diaphragm, Pericardium. The lover of dogs in this country the more readily consented to undertake the task as he had previously, during the intervals of leisure left by professional avocations paid much attention to the diseases, breeding, rearing, and peculiarities of the canine race, with a view to the preparation of a volume on the subject. The Dog, next to the human being, ranks highest in the scale of intelligence, and was evidently designed to be the companion and the friend of man. We exact the services of other animals, and, the task being performed, we dismiss them to their accustomed food and rest; but several of the varieties of the dog follow us to our home; they are connected with many of our pleasures and wants, and guard our sleeping hours.