Queen of Environmental Club Queen of Environmental Club

Queen of Environmental Club

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Soft footfalls sounded behind me. I knew without looking that Teague was chasing me. I ran faster, feeling lighter than I ever had and moving at a speed I’d never managed before. Sparks flew around me and danced on my skin. Despite my horror and need to get away, I noticed an incredible energy and strength that I’d never felt before. At that moment, I felt as if I could do anything I tried. I put it down to adrenaline and increased my speed, intending to leave Teague and the castle far behind.
The thunderous sound of wings came out of nowhere. A sharp, hot breeze danced over my skin just before several knife-like talons wrapped around my shoulders and ripped me off the ground.
I screamed as I found myself surging skyward. The pain in my shoulders stole my breath. I reached up and tried to wrench myself free, feeling rough, scaly flesh beneath my scrabbling fingers. Glancing upward, all I could see was a thick, scale covered chest and wings that were small compared to the massive, silver body. The wings beat the air powerfully as we rose.
Something hit my calves and I shrieked as Teague’s weight pulled me back toward the ground. The talons holding my flesh separated it like butter as I slipped from the creature’s grip and Teague and I plunged toward the ground below.
We hit the ground hard and rolled apart. Teague leapt to his feet and lifted a hand toward the huge, silver creature with wings, which was plunging toward the ground, directly at us. His power arrow hit the creature dead center in its glossy chest and it lifted skyward again with a roar, fire shooting from between its massive jaws.
“Come on!” Teague grabbed my arm and jerked me upward, wrenching my torn shoulders painfully. We ran, flames exploding into the ground behind and beneath our feet, until we entered a wider area of trees, where the only light was a soft flickering glow that came from the leaves high above our heads. Once we were underneath the protective umbrella of the trees, we slowed to a walk. Panting and in pain, I kept one hand on Teague because I couldn’t see where I was going. Overhead, skimming the tops of the trees over our heads, the thing in the sky roared, as if ticked off that we’d escaped.
“What the heck was that?”
Teague turned his head but I couldn’t read his expression in the dark. “Dragon.”
I stopped dead in my tracks, my hand sliding off his arm. “Shut! Up!”
“I was merely responding to your question.”
Shaking my head I reached for his arm again and started walking. “You have dragons here?”
Silence. Then. “May I speak?”
I chuckled. “Yes, speak.”
“The silver dragon serves at the behest of the Fairy Noire. It is a highly intelligent creature, and very single minded in its purpose.”
“Fairy Noire?” The term was vaguely familiar to me.
Teague nodded. “Yes. The dark council. They infest the mound and fight to overthrow the queen. Their king covets leadership of the fairy mound. I’m certain they seek to remove you as the queen’s successor.”
Fear rose like bile in my chest. I just barely stopped myself from taking off again, knowing my best chance of surviving the thing above me was with Teague. “We really need to discuss this successor thing.” I told him.

29 de abril
S.I. Decker
Draft2Digital, LLC