A Simple Guide to Wedding Budgeting! Stop Worrying To Make a Budgeting Wedding Plan! A Simple Guide to Wedding Budgeting! Stop Worrying To Make a Budgeting Wedding Plan!

A Simple Guide to Wedding Budgeting! Stop Worrying To Make a Budgeting Wedding Plan‪!‬

    • R$ 22,90
    • R$ 22,90

Descrição da editora

Affordable weddings, it's a contradiction in terms, isn't it? The future of wedding planning is like that, so get over it. It is not just irrational, but utterly foolish, to spend all of your life savings on your wedding. Beautiful, classy weddings and celebrations don't have to break the bank. 

Modern couples understand that having a low-key wedding is the way to go rather than going all out. That, and the practice of having the bride's family foot the bill is rapidly becoming obsolete. Couples nowadays typically put their own money into the wedding as many of them live together for a long time before the big day.

You and your fiancé may always choose a wedding style that is less expensive than the normal wedding if you're trying to keep the wedding budget down. You may have a simple, theme-based wedding, have it outside (in your yard or someone else's), etc.

Everyone has a great time at a themed wedding, and the expense is much lower compared to a traditional, large-scale wedding.

•In this ebook, I am going to give you a simple guide to wedding budgeting in ordet to stop worrying to make a budgeting wedding plan!


Obras de referência
6 de março
Cypress Man
Draft2Digital, LLC
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