Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs: a Reconstructed Tale from the Brothers Grimm
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When Snow White enters the scene, it appears as if the Kingdom of Akinad will have more good than it deserves. But with the queen's growing illness, the situation can only become worse. The king promises his queen he will ensure their princess has the mother she deserves but returns home with the worst possible replacement anyone could ever have imagined.
Still, Snow White grows in the palace making friends with a young prince destined to become a man worthy of her attention. Not so fast, kids. If it were that easy there'd be no story. You'll need to read on to quench your curiosity's thirst.
Snow White and Sleeping Beauty
Beauty And The Beast: Resources For Teachers - Grimm’s Tale In Text, Images, Audio and Film Included
Hilda: Snow White Revisited
Cinderella: Grimm’s Tale In Text, Images, Film And Video
Sleeping Beauty
Snegorochka: The Snow Maiden, a retelling of the Russian Fairy Tale