The Rhetoric and Poetics of Aristotle The Rhetoric and Poetics of Aristotle

The Rhetoric and Poetics of Aristotle

    • R$ 3,90
    • R$ 3,90

Descrição da editora

This superb edition contains two of Aristotle's greatest writings in authoritative translations. The Rhetoric is translated by Cambridge scholar John Henry Freese, and The Poetics is translated by Oxford scholar of classics Ingram Bywater.

The Rhetoric

Aristotle's legendary treatise on speech explains and instructs on the powers of oratory to move and persuade people. 

Composed amid the popular Greek culture, in which aspiring and reigning politicians would perfect the oratorical arts to influence voting and their subjects, Rhetoric is a summation of an art whose poignancy and power could change the face of an entire society. 

Mindful of the distinctions to be made between speech with an emotional argument, and speech espousing a rational argument, Aristotle examines both while making further subdivisions. Together with the qualities essential in the actual speech, the philosopher also mentions the knowledge which all speakers aspiring to public office should hold ahead of giving speeches. 

The ideals of his forebear and tutor Plato have a presence within Aristotle's works, and Rhetoric is no exception. Aristotle frequently alludes to how able rhetoricians should behave, and how their gifts should be put to best use in the service of the society and the state. Other passages are concerned with emotional states relevant to the topic, with emotions such as envy and indignation examined. The means by which men imitate one another, and the various different characters of men, are also considered. 

This well-composed translation of the Rhetoric is by John Henry Freese, a Cambridge historian and scholar of classics who was a notable contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. 

The Poetics

The Poetics of Aristotle sets out the essential nature of drama and the performing arts. 

Each chapter deals with a different element of drama and its composition, discussing the process by which Greek society had come to define its written literature. The field of performance arts in the period of Greek antiquity was enormously popular, with the playwrights of the era celebrated and cherished for their storytelling abilities. 

As is typical for Aristotle the work is detailed and thorough, discussing each element of dramatic performance and composition in turn. Ingram Bywater presents a capable and readable translation to English, with Aristotle's thoughts and ideas on the nature of the performing arts presented with the greatest clarity.

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