Cutting Sexual Cords Meditation - Releasing ties from Ex partners: sexual trauma, abandonment, betrayal, healing sexual organs, balance pleasure body sacral chakra, receive love happiness, enjoy sex
Connecting to Your Spirit Guide Meditation - receive insights guidance support: open your psychic power, multidimensional self, messages from cosmic helpers, life of purpose, healing unconditional
Releasing Anger and Resentment Meditation: Finding peace from destructive emotion, let go of bitterness blame hurt pain, remove shame trauma, free your soul, inner transformation, expand your consciousness
Miracles Magnet Meditation: become extraordinary : harness the power of Law of Attraction, synchronicity love peace abundance health joy laughters, reach highest potentials, enjoy life everyday
Healthy Living Life Style coaching sessions & meditations: integrated approach to body mind spirit, alternative therapy, mental clarity, healthy fitness, deep good sleep, wake up early
Feel Your Fears Meditation - conquering your emotion: release trapped energies, raise awareness & vibrations, honour your emotional system, attune with your feelings, overcome phobias insecurities