3 Altered-State Expiraments (Unabridged) 3 Altered-State Expiraments (Unabridged)

3 Altered-State Expiraments (Unabridged‪)‬

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Publisher Description

INCREASE YOUR PSYCHIC POTENTIAL THROUGH ALTERED-STATE EXPLORATIONIn this powerful audio program, you will be taken through three incredible metaphysical techniques. Every time you use the program, you'll be mentally transferred in time and space to explore a different alternate world.Track 1-Pagan Meditation Journey/Regression-is an exciting meditation in itself, but the session is structured to also invoke memories of a pagan incarnation if you've ever lived one, which is highly probable if you're interested in metaphysics and New Age concepts today.It begins with an incantation in which you will draw in the energy of the Goddess, and exhale insecurity and 14 fear-based emotions that keep you earthbound. Then, deep in an altered state, you will explore times in which you celebrated seasonal events such as the solstices, equinoxes, and cross-quarter holidays that are part of the pagan spiritual lineage.Next, in track 2-Frequency Switch Transfer Session-you'll explore the claim of cutting-edge physicists, which is that from their scientific view, our world appears to be more like a thought form than anything tangible, and other worlds exist here and now but vibrate on different frequencies.Finally, in track 3-Relive a Past Event from This Life-you will be taken through a regression session, but it allows you to pick a time you desire to relive and then directs you back to the event itself. You may want to relive a tender moment you once shared with someone. Or you may want to tap into childhood events, such as the Christmas pageant in the fourth grade. Or you might wish to return to a time you were honored, or to a moment of triumph to anchor the past to the present.

Dick Sutphen
hr min
November 2
Hay House LLC