Calm The Chaotic Mind Calm The Chaotic Mind

Calm The Chaotic Mind

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Publisher Description

Calm The Chaotic Mind is divided into 3 sections. In the 1st section, you learn the calming techniques to overcome life's everyday stressors. In the second section, you discover a unique cognitive restructuring model to manage your thoughts and emotions. In the third section gain an in-depth understanding of the tools that you can use to design a calm and peaceful lifestyle. Gain more peace and ease in your life by learning: How to relax quickly using breathwork How to reduce anxious feelings using the grounding technique How to put uncertain things into perspective How to calm yourself using NLP anchoring technique How to relax before sleeping How to articulate your psychological problem clearly using the ABC model How to create helpful thinking by applying Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) How to reduce the emotional intensity with EFT or Tapping How to overcome 10 Cognitive Distortions or thinking errors that are largely responsible for depression and anxiety. How to correctly chant AUM to calm your mind and body Calm The Chaotic Mind book is not about positive thinking, however, it emphasizes on CBT to create helpful and realistic patterns of thinking to create a sense of calmness and peace. The reading is lucid and its best suited for students and those new to therapy work. Some chapters accompanied by QR code help with additional facilitation to enhance the user's learning experience. The discovery in the book is presented in the EFT+CBT model that articulates a pragmatic way to calm your emotions during chaotic situations by first reducing the emotional intensity and then changing your thoughts with CBT. Effective techniques empower you with choices to keep your composure and respond better during life's unpleasant situations.

Kunal Dudeja
hr min
April 24
Adhyyan Books