Chakra Meditation: Heart Chakra Healing: Guided Meditation for Healing and Clearing Your Heart Chakra to Increase Acceptance, Empathy, Self-Love, Inner Peace, Compassion, & Emotional Intelligence (Chakra Healing Meditation Series, Book 4) (Unabridged) Chakra Meditation: Heart Chakra Healing: Guided Meditation for Healing and Clearing Your Heart Chakra to Increase Acceptance, Empathy, Self-Love, Inner Peace, Compassion, & Emotional Intelligence (Chakra Healing Meditation Series, Book 4) (Unabridged)

Chakra Meditation: Heart Chakra Healing: Guided Meditation for Healing and Clearing Your Heart Chakra to Increase Acceptance, Empathy, Self-Love, Inner Peace, Compassion, & Emotional Intelligence (Chakra Healing Meditation Series, Book 4) (Unabridged‪)‬

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    • $5.99

Publisher Description

Uncover your heart chakra and enjoy a life of positivity, love, and acceptance.

Are you struggling with your emotions? Do you have difficulty expressing compassion or forgiving others? Then it’s time to discover the heart chakra.

In this powerful guided meditation session, you’ll delve deep into your heart chakra - the chakra associated with love, compassion, and connections to those around us. With the soothing voice of the narrator, you’ll be able to unlock, channel, and balance this essential chakra to boost your ability to connect with others.

The heart chakra blends our physical and spiritual selves and is vital for those who need to practice self-love and find inner peace. This meditation helps you fall into a deep state of emotional acceptance, helping you become in-tune with your emotional state and practice self-healing and psychological well-being.

This powerful chakra meditation will help you:

Experience feelings of love and acceptance.
Practice compassion and learn to forgive others.
Develop empathy and self-love.
Find inner peace.
Understand emotional intelligence.
And much more

So if you want to develop these vital skills and reconnect with both yourself and the people around you, heart chakra meditation is the answer. Discover inner peace, practice compassion, and forgive others to put your mind at ease.

Buy now to channel your heart chakra and become in tune with your emotions today! 

Belle Megalis
hr min
September 14
John R
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