Devastation: The Narcissist's Game: Transcend Mediocrity, Book 313 (Unabridged) Devastation: The Narcissist's Game: Transcend Mediocrity, Book 313 (Unabridged)

Devastation: The Narcissist's Game: Transcend Mediocrity, Book 313 (Unabridged‪)‬

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Publisher Description

Anyone who has ever been around a narcissist knows how nasty his game can be. The narcissist will gaslight you. He will destroy your business and your financial security. He will annihilate your relationships with almost everyone in your life. If you don’t like him, or if you speak ill of him, he will do whatever it takes to demean, devalue, and destroy you. He will murder your inner character, and sometimes, he will even murder you.

If you listen to XM Radio HLN station 127, or watched Snapped television series, you will have your eyes opened to exactly how calculated and murderous the narcissist can be. Don’t count on the police or the FBI to catch a narcissist. He has been planning how to do bad things to other people for most of his life. He had fantasies of harming others for much of his life, and he might have even been prone to bullying his classmates or harming animals.

The source of the narcissism is often his genetics and his brain wiring. Sometimes, a normal child can be predisposed to having narcissism after a head injury or a specific illness. Childhood abuse or sexual molestation can cause narcissistic traits. How the narcissist became mentally ill is not your problem. You will never fix the narcissist because the narcissist is convinced that there is nothing wrong with him.

In his mind, it’s you who is damaged, and he will let everyone in his life know that you are damaged so that he can drag your name through the mud and elicit sympathy from others. The narcissist is always either the controller or the victim. If you have boycotted his complete and ultimate control over you, he will make sure to make himself look like the victim to everyone around him. He will make you look like the bully just because you refused to be controlled by him!  

The narcissist will constantly elicit sympathy and empathy from even the men in his circle by calling you "clingy" or "codependent".

Buy to learn more.

D. Gaunt
hr min
July 12
JB Snow Publishing