Gonzo Rising...the Doctor Is...BACK!: Hunter S. Thompson Tribute Series, Book 2 (Unabridged)
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Publisher Description
Alone sat three writers, typing on the edge of sanity when the Doctor took hold...again!
John Bruni (Tales of Unspeakable Taste), Kevin Candela (Little Women with Big Guns), and Kent Hill (Outback Bites) reteam for a second adventure, roaring down the Hunter S. Thompson highway to Gonzo nirvana. Following the success of the trio's The Doctor Is...In!, this group of humble seekers reignites Thompson's joint and takes you to places real and otherwise...as per the Doctor's orders.
This second amazing tribute to the man who epitomized rebelliousness seeks once again to bring Hunter back from the grave for yet another wild adventure while fearing and loathing in the dissection of the American dream.