Trauma PTSD Recovery Coping Skills and Mindfulness Workbook: Operation T.I.P.P. (Trauma Informed Program Plus) (Life Long Experience) (Unabridged) Trauma PTSD Recovery Coping Skills and Mindfulness Workbook: Operation T.I.P.P. (Trauma Informed Program Plus) (Life Long Experience) (Unabridged)

Trauma PTSD Recovery Coping Skills and Mindfulness Workbook: Operation T.I.P.P. (Trauma Informed Program Plus) (Life Long Experience) (Unabridged‪)‬

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Publisher Description

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), besides, it being something I’ve lived with for over 40 years now, it’s fear. When you experience something so traumatic like war, loss of a loved one, being attacked/raped, active shooter events, a car accident a fear response is embedded in your memory and “triggers” are created. You relive that experience over and over, especially if you experience a trigger like a similar smell, sound, sight, feeling (internal or external), or taste. A challenge of reacting to trauma is that it does not strike and then vanish. It lingers on for years, leeching the energy and hope of its victims with merciless precision, only positive coping skills can defend your wellbeing and restore hope. 

In modern times, it’s a challenge to escape from the world of triggers. Soldiers and civilians alike have (PTSD) and they’re struggling to survive, approximately 20 veterans take their lives each day as a result, and an unprecedented number of both veterans and civilians alike die each year, the correct number of not reported. A lot of people also turn to drugs like heroin, opioids, cocaine, marijuana, or alcohol as an escape mechanism (negative coping skills) and they have given up on all hope of living a normal life. 

This book provides a way out instead of drugs or negative coping skills. It reviews the symptoms, causes, and challenges involved in PTSD. It covers the issues of Post Incarceration Syndrome (PIS). It works through the many ways of creating new pathways, including meditation, self-awareness, grounding techniques, and more (positive coping skills) that I have taught to countless people in local rehabilitation centers to both Veterans and civilians alike. 

You can have the same positive experience they did by participating in the worksheet activities throughout this book, you will be guided to take that next step, create a path, and live the happiness that was meant to be yours before your traumatic experience. 

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Baillie Hamilton
hr min
September 10
Charles Smith