What Women Really Mean: How to Interpret and Manipulate the Female Thought Process (Unabridged) What Women Really Mean: How to Interpret and Manipulate the Female Thought Process (Unabridged)

What Women Really Mean: How to Interpret and Manipulate the Female Thought Process (Unabridged‪)‬

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    • $5.99

Publisher Description

In religion, there are seven deadly sins that everyone must deal with sooner or later: gluttony, greed, sloth, pride, envy, wrath, and lust.

In relationships, there are five deadly questions that every guy must deal with sooner or later:

Does this dress make my ass look fat?
How many women have you slept with?
Should I get a boob job?
Do you think I'd make a good prostitute?
How the hell do I get her to sign the pre-nup?

Forget about Dr. Phil, Wayne, Laura, and Dr. Ruth: listen to this book instead, and take control of your relationship.

Now, for the first time, men of the world can have a chance to exist in a relationship without being at a disadvantage. This book teaches men how to deal with most of the most common things that women say. Men can now learn how to interpret those words, know the meanings behind them, and manipulate each situation to bring about a much more desirable conclusion.

Also included in this book are the answers to the most difficult questions that females ask their men, plus how to get a pre-nuptial agreement signed, and much, much more.

This is the perfect book for any male old enough to date, and is a must-listen for any guy about to enter into a relationship, because knowing how to interpret and manipulate the female thought process can be a life-saving skill.

Dr. Shoveen has gotten into various degrees of trouble with numerous women's rights groups, and the publisher of this book wants all listeners to be advised that the views of Dr. Shoveen in no way are meant to be representative of the views of Magic Lamp Press/Productions, the publisher of his books in print, digital, and audio formats.

Ted Delorme
hr min
October 12
Magic Lamp Productions