
Mémoires de Fanny Hill, femme de plaisir ou les mémoires d'une prostituée à Londres au XVIII° siècle [édition intégrale revue et mise à jour] Mémoires de Fanny Hill, femme de plaisir ou les mémoires d'une prostituée à Londres au XVIII° siècle [édition intégrale revue et mise à jour]
The comick magazine; or, Compleat library: of mirth, humour, wit, gaiety, and entertainment. By the greatest wits of all ages & nations. Enriched with Hogarth's celebrated ... prints. [pt.1] The comick magazine; or, Compleat library: of mirth, humour, wit, gaiety, and entertainment. By the greatest wits of all ages & nations. Enriched with Hogarth's celebrated ... prints. [pt.1]
The analysis of beauty: Written with a view of fixing the fluctuating ideas of taste. By William Hogarth. The analysis of beauty: Written with a view of fixing the fluctuating ideas of taste. By William Hogarth.
The Analysis of Beauty The Analysis of Beauty
Engravings by Hogarth Engravings by Hogarth
The Analysis of Beauty The Analysis of Beauty