The Art of the Novella

Benjamin Constant and Others
Series • 57 Books • Literary Fiction
Mathilda Mathilda
Mary Shelley
Bartleby the Scrivener Bartleby the Scrivener
Herman Melville
The Dialogue of the Dogs The Dialogue of the Dogs
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra & David Kipen
The Alienist The Alienist
Machado de Assis
The Enchanted Wanderer The Enchanted Wanderer
Nikolai Leskov & Ian Dreiblatt
The Horla The Horla
Guy de Maupassant & Charlotte Mandell
The Beach of Falesa The Beach of Falesa
Robert Louis Stevenson
The Duel The Duel
Anton Chekhov & Margarita Shalina
The Dead The Dead
James Joyce
Billy Budd, Sailor Billy Budd, Sailor
Herman Melville