Big Ban Theory: Elementary Essence Applied to Oxygen, Factions, Gordon Lightfoot, and Sunflower Diaries 5th, Volume 8
Big Ban Theory, no. 4
Publisher Description
Volume 8 is the continuation of Volume 7 regarding news for 6/23 of 2014. This volume is a reprint of "Sunflower Diaries," Volume 5. It uses a World of WarCraft Analogy of factions and reputation gains applied to the Sun and Earth if they were factions. The reprint inside is regarding the Jedi Religion and humans as Planet-Sized Midi-Chlorians. Oxygen 1 is a chapter about the World of WarCraft factions and how to look at game play with a Love Triangle seen as conflict between Religion and Science as 2 males competing for the hand of a Human Society as the woman. Chapter 5.1 is regarding "Star Wars" and the certain point of view on how we look at things. Chapter 5.2 is regarding Harrison Ford's movie career with "Star Wars" and the Indiana Jones Series. Chapter 5.3 is about the Yoda theme. Chapter 5.4 is a play on words regarding Captain and "Taneel." Chapter 5.5 is regarding Jedi as a Religion. Chapter 5.6 is about humans as Planet-Sized Midi-Chlorians. Chapter 5.7 is about the famed "Star Wars" Trench Run. Chapter 5.8 is regarding Ewoks and the theme of Dodgeball. Chapter 5.9 is regarding Tom Hanks and the movie "Da Vinci Code" about Cryptology. Chapter 5.10 is the Sunflower Diaries, Volume 5 Conclusion. Chapter 5.11 is the Author's Note. Oxygen 2 is the wrap-up of this volume.