Citizenship Learning and Political Participation: The Experience of Latin American Immigrants in Canada. Citizenship Learning and Political Participation: The Experience of Latin American Immigrants in Canada.

Citizenship Learning and Political Participation: The Experience of Latin American Immigrants in Canada‪.‬

Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 2004, Jan-July, 29, 57-58

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Publisher Description

Abstract. This research note presents a study in progress that explores the continuities, tensions, and ruptures in the lifelong citizenship learning and the political engagement experienced by Latin American immigrants to Canada. The authors are particularly interested in the extent and nature of "civic changes" that occur among members of this community through the process of becoming Canadian. By means of in-depth interviews with Latin American-Canadians in Toronto and Montreal, they aim at examining the barriers and enabling factors for citizenship learning and political participation, as well as the relationships between immigrants' political agency and institutional/social structures. Resume. Cette note de recherche presente une etude en cours qui explore les continuites, les tensions et les ruptures dans l'apprentissage citoyen et dans l'engagement politique des immigrants d'origine latino-americaine au Canada. Les auteurs s'interessent particulierement a la portee et a la nature des "changements civiques" qui se produisent chez les membres de cette communaute a travers le processus les amenant a devenir Canadiens. Par le biais d'entrevues en profondeur realisees aupres de plusieurs Latino-americains residant a Toronto et a Montreal, ils cherchent a analyser les facteurs qui favorisent et qui entravent l'apprentissage citoyen et la participation, ainsi que les rapports entre l'action politique des immigrants et les structures sociales et institutionnelles.

January 1
Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
The Gale Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation and an affiliate of Cengage Learning, Inc.
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