Compassionate Conservatism vs Bush Doctrine/Conservatisme Compatissant vs Doctrine Bush (Report) Compassionate Conservatism vs Bush Doctrine/Conservatisme Compatissant vs Doctrine Bush (Report)

Compassionate Conservatism vs Bush Doctrine/Conservatisme Compatissant vs Doctrine Bush (Report‪)‬

Cross-Cultural Communication 2010, Sept 30, 6, 3

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1.INTRODUCTION For about half a century, war against communism and Soviet Union was basis of United States foreign policy and security strategies. United States' presidents described the Soviet Union and Communism by the phrases such as atheistic, fanatical, satanic and menacing totalitarian state (Edwards, 2008). End of the Cold War inevitably influenced foreign policy and security issues of the United States. United States found itself victorious in the long war against Soviet Union and the as the sole super-power in post-Cold War era. In following, the first Bush declared "New World Order" (Haley, Apr 2004 ) as the ordering condition of the new era.

September 30
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The Gale Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation and an affiliate of Cengage Learning, Inc.
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