How Serendipity Exploited My Life
A Memoir Sprinkled With Historical Gems
Publisher Description
This story is about an 84 year old Neurologist, who in 1939 escaped Nazi Berlin with his twin brother and family. During the later war years the twins were evacuated to Wales. The family moved to the Spa town of Harrogate, famous for amongst other things as being Agatha Christie’s hideout. After qualifying from Leeds University he studied at McGill University and the Montreal Neurological Institute, where he developed a life passion for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In mid-career he moved to the University of British Columbia. Many of the twists and turns of his life were serendipitous and the events are intertwined with a variety of historical details
Customer Reviews
How Serendipity Exploited My Life
Dr. Eisen shows his generosity by working hard on this memoir and then offering it to us for free. An honest portrayal of a very accomplished man. Congratulations!