Rabbit's Dilemma
A "Choose the Path" Book
Publisher Description
From the author of "Stories From Papi" comes a "Choose the Path" book. Wolf asks Rabbit to deliver a package to Squirrel, and you must help him choose the right path, keeping him from ending up smashed, poisoned, blown up or swallowed by a snake...among other untimely accidents.
It's fun to try to get to the end, but you will want to go back to see all the different ways that Rabbit dies.
Drawn in original "Papi" style (using Adobe Illustrator for you Techies out there), the book is colorful, easy to navigate and fun for readers who like cartoon violence.
To reiterate: This book contains cartoon violence and blood.
Please take a look at other Stories From Papi at http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/jorge-goyco/id497258472?mt=11
Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy it. It's FREE! YAY, FREE!
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