Red and Blue and Broke All Over
Restoring America's Free Economy
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Publisher Description
New York Times bestselling author of The Dollar Meltdown.
In his New York Times bestseller The Dollar Meltdown, Charles Goyette showed how increasing government debt is destroying the dollar and the wealth of the American people. But the problem goes much deeper: the country is heading for financial ruin because our leaders are ideologically bankrupt. The time has come for a dramatic solution.
We need look no further than the Obama White House to find the culprits of America’s crippled prospects for recovery. They’ve forced the adoption of bailouts and unnecessary spending programs that do little but destroy wealth and drown the government in more debt and ever increasing red tape while engaging in undeclared wars at the expense of the people and their prosperity.
But this isn’t just a Democratic problem. The Bush administration was no better, with its unending and bankrupting elective war and the largest bailout in our nation’s history. It’s time for a solution that goes beyond politics as usual from the same old Red or Blue.
Goyette explains how the growth of federal power and its costly warfare and welfare spending are bankrupting America and strangling our prosperity. The incredible $1.2 trillion a year we spend on state security is leading us straight down the road to ruinous debt. Transfer payments and social spending are equally unsustainable financial time bombs. The time has come to release the stranglehold of excessive government spending and ineffective over-regulation and let the free economy function as it was originally intended.
Career politicians continue to pointlessly argue without enacting real and effective change. No wonder a feeling of disenfranchisement is growing. Their destructive agenda needs to be exposed and stopped before it does us any more harm. Goyette reveals:
How increasing government debt and inflationary manipulations will bring down the dollar, which is already in decline. How the longstanding practice of crony capitalism—the strong ties between bankers, corporate executives, and their buddies and former colleagues in high government posts—strangles our economy. Why we need to reign in overseas spending and end American interventionism, before we meet the same fate as The Roman Empire, Napoleon’s France, the Soviet Union, and every other empire in history. Why freedom works and why the state doesn’t. Left to flourish on their own, spontaneous, self-organizing systems can and will restore our prosperity.
Red and Blue and Broke All Over couldn’t be timelier. In the face of the American government’s reckless spending, invasive social programs, unnecessary warmongering, and ill-advised, ineffective financial manipulation, it’s time to face the facts: we can’t continue along the same destructive path if we’re serious about turning our country around