The History of Ancient America
Anterior to the Time of Columbus; Proving the Identity of the Aborigines with the Tyrians and Israelites
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Publisher Description
"Proved, to our satisfaction at least, that the Tyrians were the Aborigines of Ancient America." -Atlas.
"The discovery of the ruins of several extensive and once beautiful cities among the forests of Central America, has led to many conjectures as to their origin; and Mr. GEORGE JONES...has devoted the last fifteen years to study and research....the conclusion...will no doubt at first startle the historic reader." -The Builder.
Are the Native Americans of South America the descendants of Phoenicians who fled the city of Tyre by ship as it was being destroyed by Alexander the Great?
Historical researcher George Jones has suprising answers in his 1843 book "The History of Ancient America: Anterior to the Time of Columbus; Proving the Identity of the Aborigines with the Tyrians and Israelites." It is this public domain book that has been republished here for the convenience of the interested reader.
In his book Jones writes, "With diligence and perseverance for our guides, we have for years pursued the clue to this historical labyrinth, and when the end is reached, we believe that the nation, the time, and the means will be firmly established! ...The Architecture of the Ruins of Ancient America is EGYPTO-TYRIAN,-and...the original builders were from TYRUS, and at a period now distant more than two thousand years!"
About the author:
George Jones (1810-1879), originally born in England, came to America as a young man and worked as an actor and later a lawyer while pursuing his historical research which led to the publication of several book, including "The History of Ancient America," which he researched for 15 years.