The Inkwell presents: Final Call III
Publisher Description
However, we all know how the world gets in a writer’s way, or the spark just isn’t around when we really need it. So, we fail to make deadlines, or an idea comes to us weeks later. Too late, unfortunately. But that’s what this anthology is all about. Having a last chance to write a tale based on one of the prompts from the year now gone.
And though much time has passed, and upheavals have shocked our world, nothing stops these writers from bringing their ideas to life. So, whether you’re trapped in a lonely home or building a new life, whether love is knocking at your door, or the wolf is just below the surface, fly high, sweet adventurers of the word, and dare the sun to be unkind. For, you never know, this may be the day they smile sweetly on you.
Thus, dear reader, we ask only one thing of you — where will your flights of fancy take you?
Hanging Hope - After death, Koda builds a new life
Mansion - Within this house, Syn's life is writ large
Of Sunlight and Stolen Love - Be careful you don't reach too high, for even those who wish to catch you may not be able
Missed Connections - Guardian spirits can only do so much for those who don't see
The Wolf's Choice - The wild is always just a choice away