The Queets Expedition
An 18-day backcountry adventure to one of the most beautiful, least visited places on earth
Publisher Description
A 37-page photo book with over 100 photos documenting a 1979 mountain climbing trip to Olympic National Park by Rob Jenter and 3 friends.
“A fine piece about a grand adventure…” —Philip Caputo, New York Times best-selling author of A Rumor of War, Hunter’s Moon, Acts of Faith and more.
“…absolutely wonderful, 42 years in the making…gripping in its matter-of-fact narrative, spare enough to put the reader there without gratuitous adjectives and hoohah…just a beautiful and compelling document”—David Colton, former Executive Editor, USA Today
“…what a great trip! And a great account of it—you kept a good, detailed log. Beautiful photos too—especially the cover…”—Leslie Ware, author and former Senior Editor, Audubon magazine and Editor at Large, Consumer Reports magazine
“…What a wonderful adventure. Couldn’t stop speed reading and viewing all the way through…like a captivating movie thriller…”—Charles Daviet, photographer and former Director of Survey Research, Consumer Reports magazine
“…this is just beautiful—what a great trip, how wonderful to have it available for all to read and experience. I’m amazed that no one got injured—or died!” —Julie Knopp, RNCS, ANP, Associate Director Palliative Care Consultation Service, BIDMC of Boston