The South Asian Health Solution
A Culturally Tailored Guide to Lose Fat, Increase Energy and Avoid Disease
- $24.99
Publisher Description
The South Asian Health Solution is the first book to provide an ancestral health-based wellness plan culturally tailored for those of South Asian ancestry living in India, the United States and across the world – a population identified as being at the highest risk for heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and related conditions. Dr. Ronesh Sinha, an internal medicine specialist in California’s Silicon Valley, sees high risk South Asian patients and runs education and wellness programs for corporate clients. He has taken many South Asians out of the high risk, high body mass category and helped them reverse disease risk factors without medications. His comprehensive lifestyle modification approach has been validated by cutting edge medical science and the real-life success stories he profiles throughout the book.
Inside you’ll learn:
· Look beyond LDL to accurately interpret cholesterol and other heart disease risk numbers
· Modifying cultural traditions that lead to weight gain and disease
· How to effectively manage sleep, stress and fatigue
· Specific advice for women, children, and seniors
The South Asian Health Solution explains complex medical circumstances and terminology in an easy to understand voice, allowing you to grasp the how’s and why’s of dietary and lifestyle modification to prevent disease.
Q&A with Ron
1. There are tons of health related books currently on the market. What was it about the subject you chose to write about in your book that made you feel so passionate about spreading the word and getting your book published?
South Asians, who are mostly Asian Indian, have one of the highest risks of heart disease and diabetes in the world, and most books and content don’t address their needs in a culturally sensitive way. Conventional wisdom and advice about nutrition and disease nearly ruined my health, and I was seeing the same pattern repeated in my patients and the South Asian community at large. Having a family history of heart disease and/or diabetes was more the rule than the exception, and I was seeing too many Asian Indian patients having heart attacks in their 30s and 40s. The final straw was my wife, who is a pediatrician, regularly sharing stories of kids developing adult onset diabetes and adult-like cholesterol disorders. For the first time in human history, our children have a shorter projected lifespan than the generation before them. That’s completely unacceptable and we can never call ourselves a progressive society until we fix that.
2. What is it in particular about your book that makes it such an essential must-have to anyone who is interested in improving their health?
Despite the title being “South Asian,” I’ve shared the most effective dietary and lifestyle changes that have worked in patients of all cultural backgrounds. I’ve had dramatic results in my South Asian consult patients who have shed body fat, dropped medications, and improved their energy level and overall quality of life within a relatively short time. I’ve also had the opportunity to apply these principles on a larger scale to large companies with similar success. This book is a must-have because it doesn’t just tell you to “eat healthy and exercise more.” It gives you practical methods that can fit into a busy, culturally diverse lifestyle with all its temptations and constraints. It also gives a family-centered, gender-sensitive, multigenerational approach to healthy living that includes chapters on pregnancy, childhood, women’s health and aging. This isn’t a battle we can win alone. Everyone needs to be on the same page and this book describes how.
3. What is your favorite part of your book and why?
I enjoyed sharing the patient stories (names changed) and my own personal struggles, since they added a more human touch to the book, rather