Value-Added Selling: How to Sell More Profitably, Confidently, and Professionally by Competing on Value, Not Price 3/e
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- $25.99
Publisher Description
Your customers have come a long waysince Value-Added Selling was publishedtwenty-five years ago. More knowledgeable,proactive, and price conscious, they regularlyscour the Internet for low prices andhave come to expect much more for eachdollar they spend.
Now, Tom Reilly has updated his salesclassic to address a marketplace where slashingdeals has become the standard response tobuyers’ addictions to bargain-basement prices.Used to great success for more than twodecades and through every type of economy,Reilly’s pioneering value-added sales methodoperates according to two simple rules: Addvalue, not cost; sell value, not price. It’s theonly way to protect your profit margins withtoday’s customers.
Value-Added Selling provides the strategies andtactics you need to not only close more salesbut to improve repeat business by understandingbuyers’ needs from their perspective—and defining “value” accordingly. Reilly thenhelps you:
Build a master plan that clearlydirects your selling efforts
Create sales tools that help youcommunicate your value
Develop and execute effectivevalue-added sales calls
Connect with and sell to decisionmakers at the highest levels
Increase customer retention bycontinuously creating new value
There’s nothing stopping you from joiningthe armies of salespeople who choose to competeon price. You can always lower your priceand land a few sales. But at what cost? If youwant to sell more products or services, moreprofi tably, to more people, you must resist thistemptation and begin focusing on value.
Use Value-Added Selling to consistently delivermeaningful value to your customers, competeat a higher level than your competition, andprotect your profi ts in any kind of economy.