We (heart) the Holidays
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We romance authors love our readers, and this humble holiday cookbook--in which we share a few stories and recipes we genuinely use during the holidays--is a small, heartfelt token of our tremendous appreciation for you. Thank you from the bottom of our collective heart for loving romance. Thank you for being the best readers on the planet. Thank you for believing that reaching out and telling someone you love them matters. May we all change the world for the better in our own little way this holiday season, even if it's through making a cookie from this cookbook and sharing it with a friend, a neighbor, your children, or a stranger.
XOXO from the We (Heart) the Holidays cookbook gang.
The Integrated Table: Nutritious Recipes for Diversified Eating
Favorite Holiday Recipes From the Authors of Love, Christmas 2
Summer in Tuscany
Let’s Bake Cookie Squares and Biscotti!: An Introduction to Signature Cookie Squares and Home-Style Biscotti
The Italian Cook Book or The Art of Eating Well; Practical Recipes of the Italian Cuisine, Pastries, Sweets, Frozen Delicacies, and Syrups
20 Slow Cooker Thanksgiving Dinner Ideas