You are History:The Soul, The Higher Self, and our Share of Divinity You are History:The Soul, The Higher Self, and our Share of Divinity

You are History:The Soul, The Higher Self, and our Share of Divinity

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    • $11.99

Publisher Description

Gordon Phinn has been writing all his adult life. Arriving in Canada from Scotland as a sixteen year old in 1968, his love of literature, ignited at Glasgow Academy, expanded with every passing year. An interest in the esoteric, occult and metaphysical fields also developed during the 1970’s, when the likes of Jane Robert’s channeling of Seth and the wondrous instances of human/angelic cooperation in Scotland’s Findhorn Garden were first revealed. He experienced occasional psychic contacts with his deceased father which developed over the years until by the nineties his OBE’s and lucid dreaming accelerated into overdrive, spilling over into the composition of Eternal Life And How To Enjoy It, the type of guided tour of the realms that hadn’t been seen in many a decade. Published in 2004, this was followed in 2006 by More Adventures in Eternity, where the promise of many lives, the soul’s multidimensionality and the enigma of the Monad/Higher Self was fully embraced. Now we have the final installment of the Afterlife trilogy, You are History: The Soul, The Higher Self, and our Share of Divinity, in which the endless energetic interactions of past/present/future lives with their source self/higher self/Monad is explored and assessed. Here you will find the mystery of our spirit’s true nature and ultimate destination approached, explored and unfolded.

Gordon Phinn continues his writing, exploring, teaching and psychic facilitations from his home base in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. His videos can be viewed on and his blog at

Praise for You Are History.

“I love all of Gordon’s Eternal Life trilogy, of which this is part three. His books are amusing and enthralling as stories, yet his experiences provide supreme insights into our underlying energetic makeup. He is one of the true consciousness pioneers who have done so much to influence my own work.  In particular You Are History provides some truly wonderful insights into how our Higher Self (or Supersoul) keeps an eye on us as projections of its consciousness from a place outside space and time and remote from all our earthly concerns.”

 —Ian Lawton, author of The Power Of You and The Wisdom Of The Soul

“The introduction to this book makes the important point that “We do not stand apart from history…. we are history.” It is much more than a ‘life history’ – or even a ‘multi-lives history’ – since the book deals not only with the realms of this planet, but also with much of what lies very far beyond the ken of the average person. Gordon Phinn’s exceptionally extensive explorations of the esoteric are manifested within these pages, and even those who are already familiar with most of the ‘basics’ of the spiritual life will find much to learn from them.” 

—Ann Merivale, Deep Memory Process therapist; author of Discovering The Life Plan and Souls United, and more.

Health, Mind & Body
November 19
White Crow Productions Ltd
White Crow Productions Ltd

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