125+ Stretching Exercises: The No-Gym Guide: From Beginner to Advanced; To Gain Flexibility, Staying Young, and Achieving Meditation Through Yoga (Unabridged) 125+ Stretching Exercises: The No-Gym Guide: From Beginner to Advanced; To Gain Flexibility, Staying Young, and Achieving Meditation Through Yoga (Unabridged)

125+ Stretching Exercises: The No-Gym Guide: From Beginner to Advanced; To Gain Flexibility, Staying Young, and Achieving Meditation Through Yoga (Unabridged‪)‬

    • CHF 9.00

    • CHF 9.00

Beschreibung des Verlags

How to get summer-ready without running all day and lifting obscene weights, even if you’re prone to laziness, and from your own home!

In this book you will find more than 125 stretching exercises, from yoga and beyond, and get results as I have - even being able to do it from home and not being embarrassed when going to the beach. See stretching exercises that can be done in a slow manner and usually either in sitting or lying positions. All this will trick your mind into pushing yourself just that much further, which brings results!

Basically, you will get more energy in your life correcting your bad posture at the obscene hours in your office chair. This will give you that leaner, meaner, and muscle-toned body and help you to be ready for the beach!

Listen to the 125+ guided stretching exercises!

How to get ready for summer and wear the clothes that don’t hide your body
Even if you exercise a lot or are a professional athlete, stretching will make you perform better at whatever you do
Stretching will prevent many physiological conditions and back problems later in life
You will gain a stronger awareness of your body and your balance in general
Your body will be toned all over, making it sing and even giving you a cohesive, great look all over
You will gain more energy and in turn, patience, which will better you at work and in your family relationships
It is easy and quick to plan and can be done from home
And to top it all off, you will lose weight and become a stretching and yoga master

The good thing is that this book will present you with a huge range of stretching exercises! Some from yoga, some not, from total beginner to most-advanced professional. All of them are able to be done from home minutes after you decide to do it. The emphasis and focus of this book is to be as practical as possible - getting you to start right now! 

J.H. Pii
Std. Min.
22. August