Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science

Thomas, Leonard und andere
Reihe • 80 Bücher • Mathematik
The Analysis of Time Series The Analysis of Time Series
Chris Chatfield & Haipeng Xing
Introduction to Probability, Second Edition Introduction to Probability, Second Edition
Joseph K. Blitzstein & Jessica Hwang
Statistical Rethinking Statistical Rethinking
Richard McElreath
A First Course in Causal Inference A First Course in Causal Inference
Peng Ding
Analysis of Categorical Data with R Analysis of Categorical Data with R
Christopher R. Bilder & Thomas M. Loughin
Generalized Linear Mixed Models Generalized Linear Mixed Models
Walter W. Stroup, Marina Ptukhina & Julie Garai
Statistical Inference Statistical Inference
George Casella & Roger Berger
Nonparametric Statistical Methods Using R Nonparametric Statistical Methods Using R
John Kloke & Joseph McKean
Exercises and Solutions in Biostatistical Theory Exercises and Solutions in Biostatistical Theory
Lawrence Kupper, Brian Neelon & Sean M. O'Brien
Graphics for Statistics and Data Analysis with R Graphics for Statistics and Data Analysis with R
Kevin J. Keen