
Series • 8 Books • Paranormal Romance
Red the Were Hunter Red the Were Hunter
Rebekah R. Ganiere
Snow the Vampire Slayer Snow the Vampire Slayer
Rebekah R. Ganiere
Jamen's Yuletide Bride Jamen's Yuletide Bride
Rebekah R. Ganiere
Zelle and the Tower Zelle and the Tower
Rebekah R. Ganiere
Cinder the Fae Cinder the Fae
Rebekah R. Ganiere
Belle and the Beast Belle and the Beast
Rebekah R. Ganiere
Gerall's Festivus Bride Gerall's Festivus Bride
Rebekah R. Ganiere
Jak the Giant Healer Jak the Giant Healer
Rebekah R. Ganiere