"A Successful Relationship" 50 Guaranteed Ways for Fulfilled Life Together "A Successful Relationship" 50 Guaranteed Ways for Fulfilled Life Together

"A Successful Relationship" 50 Guaranteed Ways for Fulfilled Life Together

    • CHF 2.00
    • CHF 2.00

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Exceptional, Explicit and only one on the market - like her author - book about relations.
You will learn from it what to do in order to make your relationship satisfying, happy and exciting and how to be a fulfilled woman and a full- fledged man.

"Luxury means TO BE and TO HAVE" - Ilona Cizewska
"Luxury is a state of cohesion between mind and body. It is a relationship between the mental and material world. It is the art of harmony, peace of mind, passion, satisfaction and fulfillment. It is the capacity to stimulate senses, seek beauty, celebrate regular activities. It is the wealth of the experience. And finally – it is the art of becoming a better and more aware person, every day." - Ilona Cizewska
Discover how to live luxuriously.

This eBook is the publication about building a satisfying relationship. Here You find more information on how to look after your relationship and guarantee its durability. You will learn from it what to do in order to make your relationship satisfying, happy and exciting and how to be a fulfilled woman and a full-fledged man.

The man will be able to understand:
- what "coffee" means to a woman
- when "no" means "no" and when "yes" means "yes"
- what a woman wants and how she shows it

The woman will find out:
- what kind of magic sex has for him
- how to speak to be heard
- what the partner expects from her

28. März
Ilona Cizewska