D'Souza's Delusion D'Souza's Delusion

D'Souza's Delusion

    • CHF 3.00
    • CHF 3.00

Beschreibung des Verlags

Republicans have used every propaganda trick to bring down President Obama, from claiming he was not born in the U.S. to claiming he is motivated by Kenyan anticolonialism.
Mitt Romney is so weak he cannot exert moral authority over birthers. Romney joined the chorus of shameful attacks on the President. Romney bragged that no one asked to see his birth certificate.
Republicans have harmful policies that would do away with Medicare and Social Security. The Republican answer to their status as a minority party is to enact laws calculated to Suppress Democratic Votes and Intimidate Voters.
Romney's selection of Paul Ryan as V.P. is a disaster. The Right Wing base loves Ryan, but moderates, independents and women do not trust Ryan or his austere budget for the Middle Class and the poor, "The Path to Prosperity" for plutocrats.
Dinesh D'Souza and Newt Gingrich claim President Obama adopts policies because of Obama's Kenyan anticolonialism. The reason D'Souza sells his delusion in the U.S. is that the people in Bombay will not pay for rubbish.
For Dinesh D'Souza, Paul Ryan and Republicans in general, the goal is to protect rich people from poor people taking away the money of rich people. The latter preoccupation results in battalions of pundits rallying around a material-istic and sterile cause called "Conservativism".
Of course, there are patriotic slogans and references to libery, free enterprise and the entrepreneurial spirit thrown into the mix for rallying effect.
The bottom line, however, is money and what money can buy. The gloss of libery and First Amendment freedoms is a thin veneer adorned with flags.
What is sad is that Conservatives act as though it is necessary to defame Progressives in order to safeguard the money of Oligarchs. After surviving four bankruptcies,Donald Trump managed to retain enough wealth to qualify as the drum major of the "birther" brigade.
The Republican Campaign Committee feeds propaganda to their robotic candidate. Mitt Romney tells us that Barack Obama is "foreign".
John H. Sununu gives affirmation by wishing Obama "would learn to be an American".
Sununu could never be president, having been born in Havana, Cuba, of a Lebanese mother and a Palestinian father. How American is that!

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27. September
Paul Covell

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