High on Life High on Life

High on Life

How to Naturally Harness the Power of Six Key Hormones and Revolutionize Yourself

    • CHF 16.00

Beschreibung des Verlags

A revolutionary guide to optimizing your brain and becoming the best version of yourself.

"A hands-on manual for influencing human happiness through your own biology. It doesn't get any better than this!"—Thomas Erikson, author of Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behavior

Neurochemicals affect just about everything in our bodies, including how we think and feel. David J. P. Phillips, an internationally acclaimed Swedish public speaker and coach, guides you through ways to harness the immense power of your mind and optimize your body's chemical factory by diving deep into six neurochemicals and how they can transform your life from within.

Already an international bestseller, High on Life is a mood manual that will guide you through how to use these six key substances naturally produced by your body to create a unique recipe to transform your life.

If you're struggling to feel motivated or finding it hard to enjoy the small things in life, learning how to balance dopamine will help you feel more motivated. Dialing up your oxytocin will fill your cup up with compassion, generosity and a sense of connectedness with the world and people around you. If the mood rollercoaster is something you desperately want to get off, focus on serotonin, the hormone that serves as a foundation of long-lasting happiness and harmony.

Feeling good but missing that extra nudge to challenge yourself a bit more? Cortisol produced in small doses can help you break out of your comfort zone—and get excited about it. When nothing really happens, anyone can get a little bit bored. Have a laugh, smile more, or sweat it out and get those endorphins flowing. Or if you want to walk into an important meeting oozing confidence, testosterone is your ally. Just be careful not to boost it when making important life decisions.

A mood manual that will transform how we think and feel, this book is for anyone who wants to feel high on life—naturally.

Gesundheit, Körper und Geist
7. Mai
Pegasus Books
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