Short Stories for Kids: Children’s Stories: Reading for Children Short Stories for Kids: Children’s Stories: Reading for Children

Short Stories for Kids: Children’s Stories: Reading for Children

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Publisher Description

Great short stories for children (7-11 age group) Examples;

All Year Round

Winter saw spring coming along he groaned and moaned. ‘When you arrive,’ he said, ‘everybody becomes more cheerful and want to leave me and run to you. All the children jump on their bicycles and go out to play games.

The flowers all start to appear and the trees grow big green leaves. Everybody smiles when they see you coming and I feel like they cannot wait to see the back of me. Nobody worries about the strong winds and the cold anymore, like they do when they are with me.

And nobody’s feet turn blue either. Even I can hear the birds all singing happily as you get further and further away from me. It sounds such fun to be Spring.’

‘Yes it is,’ said Spring. ‘It is wonderful fun. Everybody runs towards me because they know there will not be any of that nasty cold snow and all those short, short days when you turn the sun down too early. I turn it down later so children can go out to play after school.

That’s much more fun than sitting inside with those computers and that Internet thingy. That is why everybody is so glad to see the back of you and come to me instead. It happens every year.’ But just then Spring turned around and saw summer approaching. ‘Oh no,’ he groaned, ‘not you,’ he moaned.

‘Why must you come along and spoil everything when we were having so much fun. As soon as you come along everybody cheers up and the children laugh and dance and sing.’

‘Ah well,’ replied summer. ‘That is because everybody gets fed up with you before long. You have too much rain and you turn the sun down too early. When everybody sees me they run so fast they trip over themselves because people can take off their coats and get out their boats and play in the sea or the rivers.

It is so much fun to see people enjoying themselves and, what’s more, summer time is ice cream time. You, Mr Spring, seem to drag on for far too long, don’t you realize everybody wants to get from winter to summer as soon as they can. And you just get in the way.’

Spring sulked as all the people started leaving and he too could see the sunshine and hear the birds singing and everybody laughing and dancing and the days become hotter and hotter and then too hot so everybody has to stay inside, or in the shade and nobody feels like having fun anymore.

Some people begin to wish summer was more like spring with its lovely cool breezes instead of being so hot their skin starts looking like a baked potato. Just then summer turned around and saw autumn approaching.

’Oh no,’ he groaned, ’not you,’ he moaned. ‘Just when all the children are enjoying themselves so much you come along and spoil everything.’

Autumn looked at Summer and tut tutted. ‘Enjoying themselves?’ he said, ‘nobody looks like they are enjoying themselves much to me. Everybody looks hot and lazy and nobody has done anything for weeks.

The children are bored and miss all of their friends so when I am here it means they are back to school and it feels like a brand new year to everybody. The trees lose their leaves and all the colours are wonderful.

Mum and Dad like me too as they no longer have to mow the grass and look after the flowers and do all the other hard work that has to be done in summer.’ Just then Autumn looked over his shoulder and moaned and groaned. ‘Not you again,’ he said as winter arrived.

‘When you come along everybody cheers up and becomes happy again. They know it will soon be bonfire night and beautiful fireworks will light up the sky. And then Christmas will soon be here and that’s when all the children are most excited. They can’t wait to see the back of me and for Fireworks night and Christmas to arrive.

Then it is New Year and all the party’s to go to and then, best of all, the snow falls and everybody wraps up tight in their hats and coats and has such fun in the snow on their sledges and ski’s.


18 November
Albert Jack

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