The invisible man
Beschreibung des Verlags
The invisible man, H.G. (Herbert George) Wells. Revised version of . The invisible man Wells, H.G. (Herbert George), 1866-1946 s.n. s.l. s.d First edition 1897 Original ascii text downloaded from the Internet Wiretap anonymous ftp server on June 6th 1993. -- Text tagged to TEI compatible format by Jeffrey Triggs for the University of Oxford Text Archive
Actor Griffin adds to the mysterious atmosphere of this classic work of science fiction originally published in 1897. In his cultured British accent, he carries listeners through the trials and tribulations of Wells's creation, a mad scientist (also named Griffin) who does research into optical refraction until he finds a formula that makes him invisible a state he mistakenly believes will provide him with fame and fortune. Actor Griffin makes palpable the profound panic of the scientist, who is unable to find a formula to reverse his invisibility. He provides fine cockney accents for innkeepers Jenny and George Hall, which adds color and authenticity to the performance. Listeners will be immersed in the struggle of local scientists, doctors, and police to apprehend a man they cannot see.