The Pursuit of God
- CHF 3.00
Beschreibung des Verlags
Here is a masterly study of the inner life by a heart thirsting after God, eager to grasp at least the outskirts of His ways, the abyss of His love for sinners, and the height of His unapproachable majesty—and it was written by a busy pastor in Chicago!
"Lord, I must speak of Thee", wrote Tozer, "lest by my silence I offend against the generation of Thy children". Written during a train trip from Chicago to, McAllen, Texas, The Pursuit of God has become a classic best-seller. Recipient of both the ECPA Gold and Platinum Book Awards.
If you believe that God has touched you, that He has spoken to you, changed you in some way...then you need to read this book. You will know for a fact if you, "get it", by "it" I mean what the author is saying, when you find yourself saying.."YES!" or "Exactly!" I quote, "All the foregoing presupposes true repentance and a full committal of the life to God. It is hardly necessary to mention this, for only persons who have made such a committal will have read this far." And it's true...if you find yourself clueless, you really won't make it to that point, at least without a struggle. I found joy in every word. If I could say to people, words that would help them understand what God has done for me...this book has done it. Tozer has put into words what I feel in my heart, and the things going on in my mind as concerning God and this fallen world we live in.
I thank God for putting this amazing piece of work in my hands and letting me know I'm not alone in my Faith and the powerfulness of it...and how it makes me feel. I've never "felt" God in a book before this one...(aside from the Bible obviously..) Highly recommend. ....Highly.