What Motivates Professional Early Millennials in the Workplace? What Motivates Professional Early Millennials in the Workplace?

What Motivates Professional Early Millennials in the Workplace‪?‬

MBA Master Thesis

Descrizione dell’editore

This master thesis aims to conclude the motivation of millennials. This group is constantly entering the workforce and many companies are not prepared to handle the new demands that the millennials seem to hold (Deloitte, 2016).

This master thesis critically reviews the latest literature around the topic, shows how burning the topic is and strives to correct some misunderstandings (Tulgan, 2009) about millennials - with the largest one being that millennials are all the same - they are motivated in the same way, they think the same and act the same. This is of course not true (Doherty, Kiley, Jameson 2015) and the researcher aim to show findings from recent research to describe the different motivating factors within the millennials cohort. Instead of looking on millennials as a problem that needs to be solved this master thesis will result in the establishment of best practices and recommendations that will help companies engage their millennial work force in the best way to reach their full potential. It’s time to discuss this topic from a solution perspective. Millennials are here to stay (Schawbel, 2012) and their updated drive, passion and values will and are helping companies stay on top of their game and be competitive every day. The change is already here and the companies ignoring this will fall behind.

Affari e finanze personali
28 ottobre
Robert Mejlero