Wild Turkeys Cause Little Damage to Row Crops in Illinois (Report) Wild Turkeys Cause Little Damage to Row Crops in Illinois (Report)

Wild Turkeys Cause Little Damage to Row Crops in Illinois (Report‪)‬

Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 2010, July-Oct, 103, 3-4

    • CHF 3.00
    • CHF 3.00

Description de l’éditeur

INTRODUCTION Wild turkey populations have been restored and enhanced through introductions and reintroductions in 49 states within the last 40 years, and nationwide populations are estimated to exceed 5 million birds with the Midwest having the highest densities (Kurzejeski et al., 1987, Miller et al., 2000, Tapley et al., 2001). Agricultural habitats are distributed throughout most of the Eastern wild turkey's (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) distributional range. In the agriculturally-dominated Midwest, it has become clear to wildlife managers that agricultural habitats are actively used by turkeys (Porter, 1977, Craven, 1989, Gabrey et al., 1993, Miller et al., 2000, Swanson et al., 2001). Since turkeys are relatively large, gregarious, and feed during the day, they are readily observed in agricultural areas. This increased abundance and greater visibility of turkeys has led to concern among farmers, and wildlife managers as to the degree of agricultural damage caused by turkeys. Studying food habits of turkeys and crop damage simultaneously could prove useful in dispelling myths and changing how this species is perceived by concerned farmers. Therefore, several Midwestern states have studied turkeys in agricultural landscapes and investigated the perceived or real agricultural damage turkeys cause (Craven, 1989, Gabrey et al., 1993, Paisley et al., 1996, Swanson et al., 2001).

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1 juillet
Illinois State Academy of Science
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