Winning the Loser's Game, Fifth Edition Winning the Loser's Game, Fifth Edition

Winning the Loser's Game, Fifth Edition

Timeless Strategies for Successful Investing

    • CHF 17.00
    • CHF 17.00

Beschreibung des Verlags

The Classic Guide to Winning on Wall Street—Completely Updated and Expanded!
“The best book about investing? The answer is simple:Winning the Loser’s Game. Using compelling data and pithy stories, Charley Ellis has captured beautifully in this new and expanded edition of his classic work the most important lessons regarding investing. In today's unforgiving environment, it's a must-read!”
F. William McNabb III, Chief Executive Officer and President, Vanguard
“Charley Ellis has been one of the most influential investment writers for decades. This classic should be required reading for both individual and institutional investors.”
Burton Malkiel, author, A Random Walk Down Wall Street

“No one understands what it takes to be a successful investor better than Charley Ellis and no one explains it more clearly or eloquently. This updated investment classic belongs on every investor’s bookshelf.”
Consuelo Mack, Anchor and Managing Editor,Consuelo Mack WealthTrack

“A must-reread classic, refreshed and updated with the latest ‘lessons to be learned’ from the 2008-2009 market events.”
Martin Leibowitz, Managing Director, Morgan Stanley Research

Winning the Loser’s Game has long been required reading for professional investors. . . . This elegant volume explores approaches for individuals such asrelying on intellect rather than emotion, and building a personal portfolio by taking advantage of what other investors already know.”
Abby Joseph Cohen, Goldman Sachs & Co

“This is less a book about competition than about sound money management. Sounder than Charley Ellis they do not come.”
Andrew Tobias, author, The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need

About the Book:

Peter Drucker referred to Winning the Loser's Game as “by far the best book on investment policy and management.” Now, in it's fifth edition, the investing classic has been updated and improved.

With refreshing candor, straight talk, andgood humor, Winning theLoser’s Game helps individual investors succeedwith their investments and control theirfinancial futures. Ellis, dubbed“Wall Street’s Wisest Man” by Money magazine,has been showing investors for threedecades how stock markets really work andwhat individuals can do to be sure they arelong-term winners.

Applying wisdom gained from half a centuryof working with the leading investment managersand securities firms around the world,Ellis explains how to avoid common traps andget on the road to investment success.

Winning the Loser’s Game helps you set realisticobjectives and develop a sensible strategy.You will learn how to:
Create an investment program based onthe realities of marketsUse the “unfair” index fund to succeed,even in tumultuous marketsInstitute an annual review process to steeryour investments well into the futureMaximize investing success through fivestages, from earning and saving throughinvesting, estate planning, and giving
The need for a trustworthy investing guidehas never been greater. Sixty million individualswith 401(k)s are now responsiblefor making important investment decisions.They know they’re not experts but don’t knowwhom to trust.

Winning the Loser’s Game explains why conventionalinvesting is a loser’s game, and howyou can easily make it a winner’s game!

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