Be Luckier in Life: 10 Simple Secrets That Will Change Your Future Be Luckier in Life: 10 Simple Secrets That Will Change Your Future

Be Luckier in Life: 10 Simple Secrets That Will Change Your Future

    • $2.200
    • $2.200

Descripción editorial

The Best Way to Improve Your Luck...Buy this book!!

Many thoughtful people would dispute the notion that you can take action to increase the likelihood of creating more luck in your life.

Those people are wrong.

By studying the life-lessons of some of the world’s most successful people, including Starbucks' Founder Howard Schultz and basketball star Senator Bill Bradley, and distilling their essence into a key group of tried-and-true behaviors, this book provides proven strategies which will cause better opportunities and luckier outcomes to occur in your life. Once you learn these secrets, you will learn how to attract good luck and channel it to achieve your goals.

The luckiest people have learned how to:
*Carry the right toolkit of people skills, character traits and even good taste to ensure they are exposed to lucky opportunities.
*Start every opportunity with a goal in mind, and work backwards to ensure they make the progress needed to achieve their ambitions.
*Not simply ‘communicate’ but to profoundly connect with others.
*Reframe setbacks to turn them into ‘successes’ that cause new and even more powerful opportunities to come into their lives.

Once you read this book, you will see that luck isn’t simply an unpredictable ‘bolt from the blue’ that happens for some people by accident. You will know how to channel your luck-producing behaviors into a strategy and way of being that will help you achieve success in every part of your life.

Even if you have never before considered yourself ‘lucky,’ you will learn you don’t have to be among those ‘chosen’ for good luck.

Buy this book and begin making luck for yourself.

Salud, mente y cuerpo
23 de septiembre
Craig I. Forman
Draft2Digital, LLC