Food, Health, and the Environment

Serie • 16 libros • Ciencia social
Modern Chinese Foodways Modern Chinese Foodways
Jia-Chen Fu, Michelle T. King & Jakob A. Klein
The Painful Truth about Hunger in America The Painful Truth about Hunger in America
Mariana Chilton
Transforming School Food Politics around the World Transforming School Food Politics around the World
Jennifer E. Gaddis & Sarah A. Robert
Seed Activism Seed Activism
Karine E. Peschard
Acquired Tastes Acquired Tastes
Benjamin R. Cohen, Michael S. Kideckel & Anna Zeide
The Immigrant-Food Nexus The Immigrant-Food Nexus
Julian Agyeman & Sydney Giacalone
Food Trucks, Cultural Identity, and Social Justice Food Trucks, Cultural Identity, and Social Justice
Julian Agyeman, Caitlin Matthews & Hannah Sobel
Feeding the Other Feeding the Other
Rebecca T. de Souza
Big Hunger Big Hunger
Andrew Fisher
The New American Farmer The New American Farmer
Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern