Last Call for The Church Last Call for The Church

Last Call for The Church

    • $ 34.900,00
    • $ 34.900,00

Descripción editorial

There is a power shift coming, and a pivotal turning point in human history is on the horizon. Radical Islamic terrorism and the possibility of a nuclear war have overwhelmed the entire world. The safety net that once protected us has been broken. Prophetic events are speeding up. The global upheaval the world is currently experiencing is only the beginning of unimaginable chaos. Last Call for the Church delivers a powerful and convincing precept upon precept teaching on the Rapture of the church and the crucial timing of why only God the Father knows when it will be. The author is a real-life storyteller and accomplishes the call to understand the Rapture, what it will be like, and why Jesus found it necessary to teach in terms of a wedding, a bride and to reference Himself as a Bridegroom. The author exclusively writes to the reader. She takes you on a classroom tour of prophecies and parables and offers a strong case for an aggressive Pre-Tribulation Rapture based on Scripture and frequencies of the most up to date worldwide trends. In Last Call for the Church, you will get an eschatological view of the Rapture as it applies to a collective body of believers referred to in the Bible as a woman, the Bride of Christ. "Do not let your hearts be troubled," John 14:1.

What do today's world events have to do with you and Bible prophecy? Day by day we draw closer to the time when Christ will return for His people; after which, some unheard-of dramatic events will occur within a seven-year period, called the Tribulation: a time of war, famine, disease, and death.
Signs of the End-timeRapture of the ChurchThe TribulationRise of the antichristTerrorism and warsBirth pangs of a Woman in travailOlivet ProphecyWedding ParableParable of the Ten VirginsParable of the PearlParable of the DoorkeeperNoah's ArkThe CrucifixionFeasts of the LordThe Second ComingThe fulfillment of Bible prophecyA new heaven and a new earth
The question isn't if a raging worldwide storm like in Noah's day will come but when, and what will you do? Opinions abound, but what is the truth of Bible prophecy? How accurate is it? What specific events precede the prophetic return of Christ? Are you ready for the coming storm? Will you make it through unscathed?

Last Call for the Church is a moving look at Bible prophecy and the beginning of sorrows. Eschatology meets the present day with the traditions of an ancient Jewish wedding brought to life alongside obsolete Hebraic idioms in today's landscape of a troubled world, and end-times revelation of the future.

Only one generation will witness the mounting chaos and turmoil of the last days described in the Olivet Prophecy. Are we that generation? Prophetic events are intensifying just like that of a woman in travail. Find out what that means to you right now and in very real time. Jesus is coming like a "thief in the night" when no one is expecting the Bridegroom to return.

The ancient Jewish man understood the way to a woman's heart. Last Call for the Church connects the traditions of an ancient Jewish wedding with their prophetic meaning. It's no date setter on the Rapture of the Church, but rather the imminence of Jesus' return for believers before the Tribulation as a story of blessed hope and the amazing protection of a highly sought after and paid for bride by her Bridegroom. It is a love story. A love so great, it frees the would-be captives of hell and reaffirms the eternal Word of God. The King is coming.

 If you're thinking something is not quite right with the times, get a copy of this powerful teaching today.

Religión y espiritualidad
28 de julio
Patricia C. McGlennon
Draft2Digital, LLC