Overcome Social Anxiety: Proven Solutions and Treatments That Cure Social Disorders, Phobias, People-Pleasing, and Shyness. Drastically Improve Your Self Esteem, Build Confidence, and Just Be Yourself Overcome Social Anxiety: Proven Solutions and Treatments That Cure Social Disorders, Phobias, People-Pleasing, and Shyness. Drastically Improve Your Self Esteem, Build Confidence, and Just Be Yourself

Overcome Social Anxiety: Proven Solutions and Treatments That Cure Social Disorders, Phobias, People-Pleasing, and Shyness. Drastically Improve Your Self Esteem, Build Confidence, and Just Be Yourself

    • $ 39.900,00
    • $ 39.900,00

Descripción editorial

Socializing Doesn't Have To Be A Nightmare: This Book Will Show You How To Overcome Your Social Anxiety For Good

You've been invited to an interview for your dream job. You spend weeks preparing, but when the time comes, you're sweating and stuttering and struggling with the most basic questions. The interviewer promises to call you... someday.

Your crush finally agrees to go on a date with you. You were planning to charm them with your wit and manners, but your anxiety ruins everything. Now your crush is secretly wondering how awkward people like you actually manage to exist.

Can you relate? Then it's time to take action.

Otherwise, your social anxiety disorder will continue robbing you of personal happiness and life-changing career opportunities.

But what is social anxiety disorder, and what can you do to manage it?

Social anxiety disorder (also known as social phobia) is not "just shyness". It's the third most common mental disorder in the United States, affecting at least 7% of the population, and it can really undermine your overall well-being. In severe cases, even everyday tasks like going to a grocery store can be a challenge.

Social anxiety is physically and emotionally draining. You may spend days and weeks worrying about a particularly awkward situation, and all that stress is taking a physical toll on your body, causing headaches, digestive issues, unexplained pain, and high blood pressure. Constant exposure to stress hormones also weakens your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to infections.

Are you doomed now?

No. You don't have to spend the rest of your life avoiding social situations and missing out on great opportunities.

You can manage your social anxiety with medications, therapy sessions, and simple daily exercises that are part of CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy. This book by acclaimed anxiety coach Derick Howell will show you the EXACT steps you need to take.

This book will help you:
Discover and challenge the deep-seated beliefs that fuel your anxietyManage your social anxiety with simple, actionable life hacksUse relaxation exercises to stay calm in the most challenging situationsImprove your self-esteem and rediscover your feeling of self-worthSay goodbye to people-pleasing and perfectionismBuild social confidence in personal and job-related situationsOvercome social anxiety and never miss an opportunity again!
The best anxiety management exercises take just a few minutes, so they won't overburden your busy schedule. Stay consistent and work with this book every day, and you'll feel your anxiety diminish in a matter of days! Continue doing the exercises and you'll regain complete control over your anxiety.

You'll no longer avoid social situations. You'll ace your job interviews, you'll network like a pro, and you'll charm people with your natural confidence. You'll enjoy the life you've always wanted and the success you deserve.

And this life-changing transformation is just a click away.

Scroll up, click the "Buy Now with 1-Click" button and Get Your Copy Now!

Salud, mente y cuerpo
18 de julio
Derick Howell
Draft2Digital, LLC

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