Yoga for Footballers Yoga for Footballers

Yoga for Footballers

Maximise Recovery, Prevent Injuries and Play Better for Longer

    • Pedido anticipado
    • Se espera: 14 ago 2025
    • $ 87.900,00
    • Pedido anticipado
    • $ 87.900,00

Descripción editorial

Written by a former Arsenal FC physiotherapist, this is a practical yoga guide for all ages and abilities to help you play football better for longer.

Yoga has now become a standard part of football training with players such as Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo practising regularly. Sharon Heidaripour is a former professional footballer and Arsenal physiotherapist turned yoga instructor and knows all too well that the contact sport can lead to damaging injuries. However, many of them can be prevented if you can spot areas getting fatigued, overloaded, imbalanced or becoming inflexible.

In this step-by-step guide, Sharon teaches you routines that can be integrated into your daily life – on and off the pitch – and weekly training to help prevent injury and support recovery. Exercises focus on hip mobility, hamstring prehab and rehab, lower back mobility, relaxation and breathwork through morning, evening, pre-training and pre-match, post-training and post-match routines.

With full-colour photographs, Sharon shares more than 70 yoga poses with clear instructions, top tips and options to suit all levels and ages, whether you are a casual, amateur or professional player.

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14 de agosto
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