Astral Familiar Handbook Astral Familiar Handbook

Astral Familiar Handbook

    • USD 2.99
    • USD 2.99

Publisher Description

Astral Familiar Handbook is a manual that will teach you how to create an astral familiar. What is an astral familiar? You may think of it as some kind of astral helper who could do things for you. Witches are often portrayed with black cats as their familiars. Magickal practitioners take it a step further and create their own astral familiars. An astral familiar can help you with your magickal workings. 

Astral Familiar Handbook gives clear and easy-to-understand instructions on how you can create your own astral familiar. It offers a step-by-step guide to help you create your own astral helper. 

But why would you like to learn how to create an astral familiar? Well, an astral familiar is a very versatile helper that you can have in your magickal life. Imagine having like an astral pet that would do things for you. You can give it different commands, protect you, heal you, and many others. There is no limit to what your astral familiar can do. It is just a matter of deciding whether you would take the step to learn this ancient practice or not. If you are willing to learn, then this handbook shall give you the keys to make your desire a reality.

Astral Familiar Handbook is divided into three parts:

Scroll I discusses the basics so that you will have the right understanding of what an astral familiar is, as well as other magickal theories that you need to learn.

Scroll II reveals the step-by-step instructions on how you can create your very own astral familiar.

Scroll III shares the best practices that you need to observe to increase your chances of success in creating a real and powerful astral familiar.

May this magickal handbook be your guiding light as it reveals to you the ancient and secret practice of creating an astral familiar.

Blessed be!

Religion & Spirituality
8 March
Chrisia RavenStar
Draft2Digital, LLC
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