I Am a Doctor, My 3 Wives Died from Cancer I Am a Doctor, My 3 Wives Died from Cancer

I Am a Doctor, My 3 Wives Died from Cancer

I Learned About the Truth of Conventional and Alternative Treatments

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Publisher Description

For more than one hundred years, there has been no significant improvement in the way cancer patients are treated by the medical establishment--by the medical doctors and the healthcare industry. The approved cancer treatment which is: Surgery, Radiation Therapy, and Chemotherapy does not cure cancer. Any form of treatment that is not approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) is illegal, so medical doctors are prohibited to use any other treatment of cancer except Surgery, Radiation Therapy, and Chemotherapy. Research shows that strengthening of the Immune System plays an important role in letting the body heal itself. But for some reason, the government does not go out of its way to approve any other form of treatment or support any research in this regard.

Enlightened cancer patients want to seek alternative treatments given by alternative and integrative medical professionals, who are holistic health practitioners. But because their services are not recognized by the government and by the conventional medical profession, therefore medicare and supplemental insurance do not pay for these services, most cancer patients cannot avail of these services, because they are expensive.

This book is the story of 3 wives of a medical doctor who in spite of sixty years in the medical profession felt helpless while his wives were suffering from this devastating disease. He realized the inadequate approved treatment of cancer, was enlightened after five years of research about the causes of chronic diseases including cancer
and found the truth about Conventional and Alternative Treatment of Cancer.

He wrote this book with the hope that people will learn and be enlightened about their longevity, and the government realizes that the approved Cancer Treatment: Surgery, Radiation Therapy, and Chemotherapy do not cure cancer.
He believes that the cure of cancer lies mainly in strengthening the immune system, and hopes that the government authorities recognize the holistic practitioners and support the research to strengthen the immune system to help the body heal itself.

Professional & Technical
16 July
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