Be an "A" Grade Student or Pass Better Trying Be an "A" Grade Student or Pass Better Trying

Be an "A" Grade Student or Pass Better Trying

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Written in simple, upbeat conversational style, this book guides you to mend and improve toxic academic attitudes, build skills, tools and techniques for study, test/exam taking, delivering presentations, research and academic writing.

You will learn principles, skills and techniques to study & overlearn to perfection, answer test/exam questions unerringly, make that super presentation at your class, club or faculty seminar, give that inspirational pep talk to your hommies, or write that masterful essay for LAD 305 etc. You will develop agile study, test/taking, presentation skills, able writing and referencing techniques and develop intellectual discernment in evaluating facts and sources, intellectual integrity by avoiding inadvertent plagiarism and stating the facts only.
In this book you will also learn how to use resources, skills and techniques that foster your success, first as a stellar student and later, a stellar human being and professional. The book provides tips and tricks, oh loads of them, to help build not only study skills but develop grit, deal with stress, emotional issues and study detractors.
This is the real deal: no hype. no bs.
In the book you will learn:
•Chapter 1 & 2: You were born to be an A-student & why you have not been
•Chapter 3: The mindsets & manners of & How to develop Habits of A-students
•Chapter 4: Effective, Smart Study Techniques – Reading, Comprehension & Memorisation techniques – paced reading, active study, JS2R technique, Teach grandma, ADEPT, Mindmapping, latching, Memorisation using acrostics, music mnemonics, mind palace, chunking, The master study system - SQP RAVEPT – 3RO system etc.
•Chapter 5: Knowledge Deployment, Intellectual Discernment & Integrity Skills: evaluating papers & sources, Note taking & Cornell notes, Research, Presentation & Academic writing skills, Knowing & avoiding plagiarism, forms, content & formats of academic writing (essay, research papers & thesis, critiques, case study analysis, review papers, literary appreciation, position/opinion papers).
•Chapter 6: Developing Grit & managing stress, emotional problems & study detractors.
•Rise & Shine! Time to Go Get your As!!

Πηγές αναφοράς
13 Φεβρουαρίου
Mallam Awal

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