Cairn: A Dragon Memoir Cairn: A Dragon Memoir
#2 - Legends of the Aurora

Cairn: A Dragon Memoir

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Περιγραφή εκδότη

What do vengeful whales, an orphaned fawn, and tattooed dragons have to do with the Northern Lights? Everything. 
Troika never knew life in the lair. Orphaned the night of his hatching, he trudges through the world painfully unaware of what it truly means to be dragon. Then the voice invades his dreams, and he knows what must be done. Ignoring Aurora is unthinkable, but Troika has already fulfilled his destiny, and he has no reason to risk his life for dragons he barely remembers. Still, nobody denies an Elemental, and certainly not a dragon of the Sapphire clan. But is she calling him home to die, or will he expose the brutal killer before he becomes the next murder victim? 

Silver Medal Winner - 2014 Independent Wishing Shelf Book Award 
Best of 2014 Design Crowd Winner - Book Cover 

This fun coming of age mystery penetrates the world of dragons, a society filled with smoke and lies where honorable wishes are warped by vague memories and unfathomable greed. 
The Legends of the Aurora trilogy fuses natural phenomena to a veil of magic, and guides you on an action packed adventure dripping with humor into a Norse landscape populated by reinvigorated trolls, dragons, and fairies. 
Interview with the Author 

Why a female lead? I'm certainly not the first to chose a female protagonist for my fantasy novel, but it seems trolls are often portrayed as male. I decided to bring the softer side of trolldom to my readers. Gaven's struggles will rip your heart out, but she will find her inner core of steel, I promise. 

Many people think of fairies as sweet or at least benign, but you have taken an opposite approach, why? I'm most influenced by the old stories, and if you've read them, you already know the fey were not sweet and innocent to our ancestors. Besides, somebody had to be the bad guy. 

You add a lot of humor to the dangerous situations, is that difficult? Not at all. I'm always conscience of my readers and when things get too heavy, I add a dash of quirky fun. Dragons, and more often trolls, have been portrayed as angry creatures by many. I've chosen a different path. 

What makes this Historical Fantasy? The Legends of the Aurora trilogy poses an alternate history to real historical facts. I begin with Blue on the Horizon in 1897 Norway. Then Cairn: A Dragon Memoir is set 13 years later in 1910. The trilogy will end 63 years after it began, or the length of one human life, one very special human's life. It's Historical Fantasy because I'm sharing the adventures of mythology creatures set in our known past. The reader may even recognize the humans as possible ancestors.

Μυθιστορήματα και λογοτεχνία
8 Μαρτίου
Rebecca Ferrell Porter

Περισσότερα βιβλία από Rebecca Ferrell Porter

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Garden of Betrayal Garden of Betrayal

Άλλα βιβλία σε αυτή τη σειρά

Garden of Betrayal Garden of Betrayal
Blue on the Horizon Blue on the Horizon